Well that's it, our final day in Phnom Penh has come and gone. All started off innocently enough with an early morning trip to the Jubilee church building. Their main meeting starts @ 9am which is preceded by an 8am prayer meeting. We were somewhat delayed for the prayer meeting as nurse Hannah, our dispenser of all round sensible advice, spent the second half of the night practising her skills in projectile vomit ting. According to husband Paul she is now quite accomplished. The first half of Hannah and Paul's night had also been entertaining for them as they had the good fortune to find a rat scurrying across their room in an attempt to surreptitiously return to his hiding place under the fridge. Some people get all the fun. Lunchtime was spent with the whole team (except Hannah) and the leadership team from PP and Eden & Faye from Manilla at the local KFC. They have seriously small portions over there. Mind you it did not make much difference to me as I decided to trip up the stairs and throw my lunch all over the floor. Not such a bad idea really - I've had KFC before. In the evening we took Steve and Midge to a tourist hot spot, the Foreign Correspondents Club. All very civil. Unfortunately there was a street vendor outside selling deep fried vertebrae. It was as though he had a Han Na magnet hidden in his cooker. She was drawn irresistibly to the poor man. One purchase later and our deepest fears for Alison were realised as she gamely tucked into deep fried cockroach and beetle. I had a grub - surprisingly tasty but a bit off putting as once you bite through the firm outer shell the squishy inside squirts on to your tongue. Our activities attracted a small crowd of locals who offered constant advice and encouragement about the benefits of our chosen delicacies, although I noticed none of them were actually eating any. No one, it would appear could be persuaded to eat the whole baby frog found somewhere towards the bottom of the bag. So with the cries of 'I'm a Missionary get me out of here' ringing in our ears we make our way back to the airport to start the long journey home.