We did some hard work today - English lessons, DIY, Bible study and Andrew lead a team meeting for the Cambodian church leadership team, focusing on the ultimate purpose of the church and our need to be committed to this in church planting situations and not allow ourselves to be distracted by other ties that do not build the church no matter how worthwhile they are.
Whist Andrew sweated over the preparation of this message, having of course spent many hours in prayer, the girls went off and got their toe nails done! In the evening we went for a boat ride on the river followed by a meal in the most bizarre restaurant built on stilts above a small lake. After we had ordered our food we were approached by local traders to purchase various items. The obligatory single rose, of course, followed by a man offering us a raw potato, a lady offering us something wrapped up in a banana leaf, and the local representative of "The book club" trying to flog us copies of "The medical encyclopaedia" and other strange titles. The wine list consisted of a coloured post card with a picture of an exotic lady on and hidden in the background was a picture of the wine bottle. The beer range was also chosen by looking at a postcard of a bottle of Bud. We managed to upset the lady by refusing such offerings and insisting on the local beer which is both cheaper and much more pleasant than the American stuff.
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