A second day of teaching emglish, computers and leadership training in the morning followed by evening classes for some university students in the evening. We follow the same pattern again tomorrow. The traffic here seems a little calmer than last time we came out. This is very relative and probably to do with perceptions rather than reality. At this stage last time I had seen a number of people have minor accidents on their moto's. This year we have not seen any. As you can see from the photo, the traffic remains manic. There is a strange mixture of large 4x4's - mostly Lexus and Mitsubishi , large saloons - almost exclusively Toyata Camry's, and moto's. There does not seem to be any small to medium sized cars at all. We have a tuk tuk driver who insists on keeping us safe. When we asked to visit a shop yesterday he had to stop on the side of a the main wide dual carraigeway street in the middle of their busiest time for traffic. With the shop on the opposite side of the road he insisted on escorting us across the road I'm not sure why! Maybe it is a health and safety clause on his insurance policy? Or perhaps he has lost too many passengers in the past and knows that once they are squashed they don't pay? Clearly we westerners cannot be trusted to cross the road by ourselves. Mind you most of us would not have even contemplated attempting such a crossing normally. Most of the team have now had some minor upset tummy problems. At lunchtime today Garry, Mike and Paul decided the best option was to take one of the more unusual traditional cures and went for a hot curry at the local indian restaurant. The girls and I politely declined such a great opportunity....
Hi all - sounds like you are doing a great job! Have a well deserved restful day on Saturday...
Love to you all
Simon & Becci x
We are enjoying reading your blog - thankyou. We are expecting Han-Na to write the final day's blog in Khmer...George and Gill
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