Saturday, December 8, 2007

Day 7 - Friday 7th December

The daytime activities continued in the same pattern as the last couple of days – decorating, Bible study, English lessons, and running the village kids club. It's wedding day today and tomorrow. This seems to involve erecting a large, brightly coloured marquee in the middle of the street totally blocking it to all traffic and playing music as loudly as possible for as long as possible. When I say music I use the term very loosely. One such marquee has been placed directly outside Savath's house thus Simon and Andrew had to walk right through the middle of it in order to get inside the house – very strange.

Becci's English lessons are becoming more ambitious. Today she decided to tackle positional language and the present perfect tense (whatever that is). This appears to involve building an obstacle course from upside chairs and tables and students wandering around it with their eyes closed. I'm not really sure how this helps, it all seems a long way from my school days.

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